30 September 2009

Quick Pizza

Traditional pizza involves preparing the dough, then wait an hour for the dough to rise before adding toppings and putting in the oven.

For singles and working people in a hurry, there is another quick way. To reduce time in preparing a pizza use pita bread in place of the traditional dough. Just add the usual toppings and then put in the oven as before.

25 September 2009

ScreenToaster - Online screen recorder.

ScreenToaster - Free Online screen recorder

There is no need to download any software. You can use it anywhere and anytime with one click. It captures videos of any onscreen action. Use it to record tutorials, demos, etc.

To record videos : Click on "Start recording" or "Record", start recording using the shortcuts or via the recorder.

To watch videos : Just click on a video to launch the player.

You can add audio, subtitles, describe and tag your video.

It is compatible with Windows XP, Windows Vista, Mac OS X and Linux.

20 September 2009

Dairy Farm Nature Park

Another new park has been completed by Nparks. It will have a Park Connector and a hiking trail in addition to the existing mountain bike trail. Will visit next week