23 October 2009

The Simple Dollar - Personal Finance On Just One Page

It is a blog teaching us how to overcome debt with proper spending habits. And how to avoid financial meltdown through uncontrolled use of the credit card to pamper to our momentary whims and fancies. It gives tips on how to manage our finances and save some money in the process.

Go to this link to download the book for free.
The Simple Dollar - Everything You Ever Really Needed to Know About Personal Finance On Just One Page

This blog has a good comprehensive review of personal finance books.

See http://www.thesimpledollar.com/book-review-index/

13 October 2009

lusherthanlife a macrobiotic blog

lusherthanlife a macrobiotic blog

A blog on the benefits of a macrobiotic diet in improving health and overcoming certain illness. It lists the latest workshops to learn macrobiotic cooking in Singapore.