31 July 2009

Harvesting Personal Data Through Contests or Lucky Draws

You are at a mall or exhibition when someone ask you to enter a lucky draw or contest to win some insignificant prize. To enter you need to fill up a form. Be careful if they ask too many personal details such a birthday, ID number, etc. besides your name and address. Size up the company? Is it a reputable company - do you want to trust your personal details to these companies. Remember when we call up the bank and they want to verify our identity? They ask for our full name, ID number, birthday, address and phone number to confirm our identity. Do we want some unknown company to get hold of these details?

To err on the side of caution, skip these contests/draws.

I was recommended to register at a website for a free marketing magazine subscription. The site asked for too many personal details. I backed out and did not register.

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